Sunday, November 30, 2008

This is really happening!

I felt it was time for me to blog again. I have no idea why. Maybe because last night's chat was so exciting and inspiring and now I can't stop thinking about it. We totally killed those gnatty-attention-span vampires (is that even what you'd call them?) and got down to work. It was crazy how much we accomplished in the course of an hour. Okay, so we'd been talking for a good six or seven hours by that time, but we still got a lot accomplished.

This musicals going to rock, let me just tell you that now. It's going to be goofy, but it's going to have heart too. We want people to understand why Broadway fans become so loyal and connected--not just to the shows they love and Broadway in general, but to each other. Some of my closest friends I've met that way...heck, that's how the three of us met! We've got some crazy plans in the works, guys. Crazy and wonderful.

We know how the opening is going to look. We don't know what the dialogue is going to be, or what the song is going to be, or any of those details. But we do know what it's going to look like when that curtain opens. And that's definitely something.

Lovely readers, we're doing this. I almost think that after that first chat...even though we were excited...we weren't 100% convinced with ourselves that this would happen. Our attention spans were too short, we got nothing done, and we hadn't killed all those vampires still lurking in us. But they're killed now! After last night's chat, I'm convinced of that. The music, lyrics, dialogue...okay, so we don't have those down yet...but they're coming. I can feel them coming. In the next couple days, I'm planning on sitting down and scratching out the opening scene. Katie's already going full-force into music writing. I think B's got some lyrics up her sleeve. It's not going to be easy, and it's not going to happen fast...this whole thing is going to take a while and it's going to be a lot of work--I think we've finally begun to realize that. But this is going to be awesome. And I couldn't be more excited!