Monday, April 27, 2009

The Distance I've Come

I'm now under a month from graduation. This coming weekend is an alumnae celebration for my sorority's 50th anniversary. It's a little surreal to think that...the next time there's an alumnae celebration of any sort...I'll be one of the alumnae. Next week is the Senior Send-Off in Lima. We're supposedly getting our caps and gowns soon. My very last initiation ceremony (and very last Honors Day) of my college career is only about two weeks away. It's hard to believe my college career is ending. I've been submitting resumes to various places. A few days ago, I actually started researching literary agents.

There's a song in particular that has kind of become one of my theme songs lately, as I'm facing my future. It's called "The Distance You Have Come" and is written by Scott Alan. If you've never heard of Scott Alan, you should get on that. He's an amazing composer and lyricist. He has two CDs out, "Dreaming Wide Awake" and "Keys" (which is the one this song is on) and he has Broadway peeps perform his songs on the CDs. Natalie Weiss sings this particular song. And, like I said, it's pretty much become my theme song as of late, so I thought I'd share it here.

I don't know where tomorrow finds me
The only thing I know is where I'm standing now
In this life, there's never been a guarantee
Which seems to be the only guarantee I've found

But keep your eyes upon the road
Keep driving
It won't be long until you see a sign
That says that you're arriving

And when you reach that day
When you've conquered what's behind you
Don't forget the fight it took to get you here
And when you reach the top
Of the mountain you've been climbing
Don't forget the distance you have come

It's hard, when no one
Tells you if you're winning
But just remind yourself how far
That you've already come
And some days you may feel that
There is no ending
But if you give up now, you'll never know
If you could have won

So keep your eyes upon the road
Keep driving
It won't be long until you see a sign
That says that you're arriving

And when that day has come
When you've conquered what's behind you
Don't forget the moments that have
Come before
And when you reach that place
When you're miles from where you started
Don't forget the distance you have come

And there'll be days
When the weight of the world will bind you
And you're wondering if
The world really needs you
But keep on going
Keep on driving on
'Cause the sign ahead
Will soon be behind you

And when you reach that day
When you've conquered what's behind you
Don't forget the fight it took to get you here
And when you reach the top
Of the mountains you've been climbing
Don't forget the distance
And when that day has come
And you've conquered what's behind you
Don't forget the moments
That have come before
And when you reach that place
When you're miles from where you started
Don't forget the distance
Don't forget the distance
Don't forget the distance
Don't forget, don't forget the distance
You have come

For your listening/viewing's a video of Natalie singing this song. Enjoy!


Erin B. said...

Don't forget Still...Dreaming Wide Awake and the re-release of Keys that's coming up! haha

And Natalie = <3.