Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How I feel lately...

I saw this picture on I Can Has Cheezeburger. I've gotten rather addicted to this site lately because it makes me smile and makes my day better. And THIS is how I've been feeling this quarter:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Stupid weather...

I wish the weather would make up its mind. I'm tired of this having to wear a winter coat to my morning classes, but then just wearing a sweatshirt to everything else. It's hard to plan for and obnoxious. I say this every year, but it always bothers me. If it wants to be cold out, fine, be cold out. But stay cold out for the entire day, so I can just keep the apartment thermostat on heat rather than having to switch back and forth from heat to AC. I would prefer it be warm, but...since when has Ohio weather done what people want?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Awakening and growing pains

I appreciate Katie's willingness to let me see Spring Awakening (in about twelve hours and forty-five minutes!) before she begs for it back. I also appreciate the comment she left on my facebook status in which she stated that she is "soooooooooooooooo jealous" of me seeing it tomorrow...and then proceeding to admit she saw it seven times plus a cabaret only a month ago. Ah, friendship at its finest. :P

Yes, indeed, I am seeing Spring Awakening tomorrow. Well, technically it's "today," but I haven't gone to sleep for the night yet, so in my mind its tomorrow. I'm roadtripping with my roommate, Kathleen, to Cleveland. That's a three-hour drive from here. Which means we have to leave around 8 in the morning to give ourselves enough elbow room to potentially get lost, pick up our "will call" tickets, and find somewhere to eat lunch (even though we're brown-bagging it). Let's face it...this is just a practice run for the day trip Kathleen and I will be taking to NYC (9 hour drive...at least) when [title of show] reopens. *cough* Anywho, the show starts at 1. So regardless of the early morning that is looming its ugly face right now...I'm terribly excited to finally see this show live! AND I have a stage seat, so the excitement is just magnified because of that.

Something I've learned recently...or...again...whatever...is that while I'm excited to be graduating from college in a couple months...I'm TERRIFIED of it too. This isn't really a new revelation, but it's becoming more real now that I've started my final quarter here. Various things keep popping up their heads making me realize that this is really happening. Last quarter it was ordering my cap, gown, and graduation announcements. This quarter (already) it has been the notification of my graduation application being received (and pending "successful completion" of the courses I'm in now, it being accepted fully) as well as a thick packet of commencement weekend materials. This packet contained everything from a schedule for the weekend to how many tickets I can approximately get for graduation. On top of that stuff, the senior class of my sorority is also gearing up for our time in the chapter to come to an end. And while I'm excited to graduate and go out into the "real world"...I'm also completely petrified. Growing pains, I guess.

So that's currently the world according to M. Broadway shows, looming graduation, and...well, not much writing going on. I should probably get on that...