Monday, December 15, 2008

Just thought I'd share

A couple nights ago, while talking on Skype and desperately trying to keep focused long enough to write a song (no, we never actually got a song written), we started randomly trying to figure out how the three of us would get to NYC to attend Susan Blackwell's Die Vampire Die workshop. I don't even remember half of what was brought up during that conversation, probably because I wasn't 100% paying attention, but I do remember that this quality exchange came up at one point:

Katie: M, do you want to go to New York City?
B: Isn't that the whole point of our musical?!

We tend to say a lot of really...bizarre things during our conversations when we're getting nothing done. During that chat, I decided to start writing down some of the funnier and more random things that are said. Granted, these are my own opinions, but I've noticed that while trying to write conversations between our characters in the book, well, it's hard for me to remember the attitudes that specific people take on. It's not because I don't know Katie and B as well as I should, because I don't feel that's the case, but it's more because all three of us say really weird things when we're talking to each other and it's hard for me to distinguish some of the weird things we say from each other. While we're alike in some respects, the three of us definitely have differing opinions on various things and our levels of hyperness change from chat to chat. And it's hard for me to remember who is more like what. If that makes any sense.

So...a couple of the things I wrote down from our last chat (both are quotes of B's)...

"There are huge air bubbles in my hot chocolate."
"You're on SPEED, Katie."

Keep an eye open for silly things like that appearing in the chats in our musical. ;)